Gynecologic Oncology 

Survivorship Clinic

Personalized Gynecologic Cancer Prevention & Survivorship

A brand new clinic has recently been launched in BC to help patients with high hereditary risk for ovarian and endometrial cancers and are facing or have undergone risk-reducing oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes). The mission of this clinic is to improve the quality of care given before and after surgery (peri-operative care), and provide education and advice on hormone therapy (HRT) for patients embarking on preventative surgery. The clinic is led by Dr. Lesa Dawson MD FRCSC and has been developed by the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, UBC and the Gynecologic Cancer Initiative, in partnership with the BC Cancer Agency’s Hereditary Cancer Program.

Who is eligible?

This clinic serves women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, as well as BRIP1, RAD51C, RAD51D, PALB2 mutations or Lynch Syndrome. This also includes women may have had genetic testing, but found no mutation OR variant of uncertain significance, but still have concerns about family ovarian or endometrial cancer history. The clinic can also help women who require complex post-surgical menopause care and women who need an individualized assessment and advice on hereditary risk and prophylactic surgery options.

What does the clinic offer?

  • Post-Surgical Menopause Management: Patients who have had risk-reducing oophorectomy require ongoing expert advice about management of menopause. This service offers evidence-based guidance about hormone use and post-operative care.

  • Preventative Surgical Decision Support: Many families have inconclusive or negative genetic testing but may still be at high risk for ovarian or endometrial cancer. The clinic can assess patients with a worrisome family history of ovarian cancer and assist with decisions about surgery or prevention.

  • Access to Research: Patients at high hereditary risk benefit from access to research about prevention and risk reduction. The team will ensure that patients and families in BC have access to up-to-date research studies and clinical trials.

How do I get a referral?

Referrals can be made through your family physician or through your doctor in the BC Hereditary Cancer Program. Doctors can contact the clinic through Lisa Andres at the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at 604-875-4260.

What is the cost?

The service is free and covered for those eligible for MSP.