Paid Genetic Testing Options for British Columbians
In the province of British Columbia, genetic testing is offered through the provincially funded Hereditary Cancer Program. There are also commercial genetic testing programs, which are available online. Costs of testing vary, as do the services offered and the potential reliability of results i.e., false negatives/positives, confidentiality, privacy, and support services.
Note about Accreditation: Some of the companies profiled here are based outside of Canada. The consumer must be aware that most genetic tests available today online are not regulated, meaning they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller. For more information, consider an internet search for consumer information under “GENETICS HOME REFERENCE”.
Considerations for Private Gene Testing
Private labs test for a selection of genes based on the probability or likelihood of people in the population having those genes. It is important to remember that even if you receive a negative result on your test, this does not mean with 100% certainty that you do not have a mutation. You may still carry a mutation that was not included in the test. False-negative results are also possible
Genetic Counseling
Before you decide to test with a private lab, it is always advisable to consult with a genetic counselor. Many of the private labs profiled below do not include this service, however, Sharsheret, a reputable charity serving the Jewish population based in the United States offers free genetic counseling consultations over the phone to Jewish people anywhere. You can go over your family history with a genetic counselor and he or she can advise you on how best to proceed with testing. Additionally, a new Quebec-based company now offers private pay genetic counseling services. For more information on this service, please click here.
*The authors of this site do not advocate any one of the testing options profiled on this site. The following test options are listed alphabetically and are not indicative of a promotional relationship.
Private Testing Options for British Columbians
Color Health Labs (San Francisco, California), updated 17 Jan 2025
The website is easy to navigate and contains information on a wide range of useful topics including testing, genetic counseling, security, privacy and documented research.
Website: www.color.com
Phone: From Canada call 1-650-651-7116
Email: support@color.com
Office hours: 6 am-5 pm Pacific Standard Time
INVITAE (San Francisco, California), updated MAR 13, 2024, please note that Invitae recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Website: www.invitae.com
Phone: 1-888-332-6039 for Canadian Inquiries
Email: Online contact form
Office hours: 4am-6pm Pacific Standard Time
LifeLabs Genetics (British Columbia), updated 31st July 2019
Website: lifelabsgenetics.com
Phone: 1-844-363-4357
Office hours: Variable, depending on location
Other: Pick up a pamphlet “Understand Your Risk” at a LifeLabs clinic.
Myriad Genetics (Salt Lake City, Utah), update March 13, 2024
Website: www.myriad.com
Phone: 1-800-469-7432
Email: cscomments@myriad.com
Myriad discloses on their website “Myriad may use or disclose your protected health information for treatment, payment, research, or healthcare operations purposes and for other purposes as permitted or required by law. Where state or federal law restricts one of the described uses or disclosures, we follow the requirements of such state or federal law.” For more information, click here.
*Special note about 23&me: 23&me has recently had a significant data breach and questions have been raised about its longterm financial health. Consumers should do their due diligence before engaging 23&me services. 23&me is not a medical genetic laboratory. It sends the test samples to a laboratory with CLIA certification. 23&me only tests for the most common BRCA mutations in the Ashkenazi Jewish population (as well as a few others more recently) and does not test for the other 1000+ known BRCA mutations.
Website: www.23andme.com